Managing Your Student Athlete's Asthma: What You Need To Know

When your child wants to participate in sports, you want to be a supportive and encouraging parent. However, when your child also suffers from asthma, thoughts and worries about their health and safety may put a damper on your enthusiasm. Despite your worries or concerns, you should not let your child's asthma keep them from participating in sports and enjoying athletic pursuits. There are several methods to use in order to ensure that your child can manage their asthma while still participating in the sports they would like. All you need to do is learn these options and get started on helping your child handle their asthma.

Consult With An Asthma Specialist

If your child does not already see an asthma specialist regularly, you should schedule their first appointment with one. An asthma specialist will be able to help you design an offensive approach to manage your child's asthma.

This may mean additional medications or increased doses of your child's usual medications. For example, the asthma specialist may recommend that your child should use their inhaler twice a day as a preventive measure. Or, they may require that your child use their inhaler immediately before practice begins to preempt any asthma attacks. 

Keep Them Hydrated

For asthmatics more than anyone else, hydration is key to staying healthy while participating in any exercise program. You need to make sure that your child remembers that they need to stay hydrated and to take frequent water breaks. 

If your child is not properly hydrated, they run a greater risk of having an asthma attack. A dry throat gets more easily irritated and inflamed, which can easily lead to an asthma attack if not properly dealt with. So, keep your child hydrated. 

Talk To Your Child's Coach

To make sure that your child remains safe while participating in sports, it is important that their coach is aware of the situation. Coaches by their very nature are inclined to push their athletes hard to get them into peak condition for competition. 

However, when an athlete is asthmatic, they may not be able to succumb to such pressures without placing themselves in physical danger. If your child's coach is aware of their physical condition and possible limitations, they will know what they can and can't ask of your child. 

Additionally, the coach will not be under the misconception that your child is lazy if they cannot complete all of the wind sprints they ask of their players. While your child should try to keep up as much as possible with their teammates, they also need to respect their own limitations, and an understanding coach will help with that. 

If you use these methods, you will be able to help your child compete in athletics while managing their asthma symptoms. Using these techniques will help to keep them safe and healthy as they pursue their goals.