The Role Of Diet And Exercise In Preparing For A Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy is a medical procedure that involves inserting a flexible tube with a camera into the colon to examine the inside of the large intestine. It's an important tool for detecting and preventing colon cancer, and it's typically recommended for adults over the age of 50. While preparing for a colonoscopy it can be a good idea to consider the role of diet and exercise in ensuring that you have a successful procedure and a quick recovery time afterward. Here are a few ways in which diet and exercise can help out your colonoscopy procedure in ways you might not expect. 

Introducing More Fiber Makes The Procedure Easier

Eating a high-fiber diet can help to make the colonoscopy prep process easier and more effective. High-fiber food items, such as fruits and vegetables, not to mention grains, help to bulk up the stool and make it easier to pass. This can help to clear the colon more effectively, which is important for getting a clear view during the colonoscopy. As with anything you do before such a major procedure, it is always a good idea to talk this step through with your doctor before attempting to just add any new fibrous food to your diet, but it can be a great tool that your doctor will likely agree with.

Reducing Weight And Increasing Strength Can Play A Big Role In Recovery

If you are a bit on the heavier side, then you may not realize that additional pounds on your belly can make the procedure riskier due to a variety of conditions such as high blood pressure, breathing conditions, and so on. Reducing your weight, even by just a little bit, and increasing the muscles in your abdomen and lower body can mean that you are better prepared for what can be quite an intense procedure. A colonoscopy procedure is very safe, but if you want to make it even easier to recover from, then a bit of walking, running, and targeted lower body exercises can make a big difference. 

Hydration Is Key

Staying hydrated is also important when preparing for a colonoscopy. Adequate hydration can help to soften the stool and make it easier to pass, which can make the prep process more comfortable. It's important to drink plenty of water, as well as clear liquids such as broth, sports drinks, and electrolyte solutions. Try to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink in the days and weeks leading up to a colonoscopy, as these do not add much hydration and can instead have the opposite effect. As per usual, if you have a question about the colonoscopy procedure, talk to your doctor for more information!