Drugs You May Be Prescribed During A Medical Weight Loss Program

If you have a lot of weight to lose, you may want to do so in a medically supervised program. Doing so ensures that the dietary advice you follow is medically sound. It also ensures a doctor is keeping an eye on you for any side effects of weight loss, which are more common in people looking to lose a lot of weight. But another advantage of medical weight loss programs is the option of using prescription drugs to assist with your weight loss. Here are four such prescription drugs they may recommend.


Orlistat is a medication that prevents you from absorbing all of the fat you consume. This is not to say you can just eat a high-fat diet and as much food as you want when taking it. However, you can eat slightly more and be a little less particular about what you eat when taking orlistat versus attempting to lose weight without it. Some patients tolerate this medication very well and find it jump-starts their weight loss routines. Others find that it causes some digestive upset. The good news is that if you experience digestive side effects, you can stop taking orlistat and things should go back to normal quickly.


Are you struggling to lose weight because you have a big appetite and often feel hungry, even after eating a moderately sized meal? Then your doctor may prescribe phentermine as a part of your medical weight loss plan. Phentermine is a medication that adjusts your levels of hunger-promoting hormones. If you take it, then you won't feel hungry nearly as often — or your hunger will subside after a smaller meal. This can help keep you from over-eating. After a few weeks on phentermine, your stomach should shrink, and you'll have an easier time sticking to smaller meals, even if you stop taking the medication.


Semaglutide is another weight loss medication that works by suppressing appetite. It makes your body think your intestines are releasing the hormones they secrete when you're full. Semaglutide often works well for patients who don't tolerate phentermine. However, it can cause nausea, flatulence, and fatigue in some patients. Lowering the dose may get rid of these side effects if they are bothering you.

If you think you could benefit from weight loss medications, enroll in a medical weight loss program. Your doctor will analyze your needs and prescribe the medication they believe suits you best.