Minorities In Low-Income Areas Are Strongly Encouraged To Learn CPR

If you're a person of color who has hesitated to sign up for a CPR class for any reason, understand how important it is for minorities to learn this vital skill. That's especially the case for minorities who live in or spend time in low-income neighborhoods. Research indicates that not enough people are able or willing to provide this service in these parts of the country.

Relevant Research

A study appearing in 2012 found that a person with cardiac arrest is significantly more likely to receive CPR in a predominantly white, higher-income neighborhood than in a low-income African-American area.

This might be partially explained by low-income persons not being able to afford classes teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but another disturbing finding was evident. People of color who suffered cardiac arrest were much less likely to receive CPR from a bystander no matter where the incident occurred. 

Another study found that blacks and Latinos are 30 percent less likely than whites to have someone nearby to perform CPR if cardiac arrest occurs. The problem is compounded when these individuals delay calling for an ambulance or otherwise seeking medical assistance. 

Most People Don't Know CPR

Not only minorities delay learning how to perform CPR or never master the skill. Only about 3.5 percent of the population becomes trained in CPR annually. This leaves persons who suffer cardiac arrest away from a medical facility at substantial risk of death. 

Many people don't learn CPR because they feel it would be too difficult to administer during a crisis. They worry that they wouldn't perform the technique properly. Responding to that prevalent concern, organizations such as the American Heart Association now offer instruction for a simpler form of the skill that doesn't include mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. 

Some individuals are concerned that they might be sued if they perform CPR and something goes wrong. However, all 50 states have Good Samaritan laws to protect people from legal action. In addition, the consensus is that some CPR is better than none, even if it isn't performed in a completely correct manner. 

Concluding Thoughts 

Whatever your reasons have been for delaying learning CPR, now is the time to sign up for a class through a company like Respond Systems Alaska. Having this ability to save a life, especially in neighborhoods where knowledge of CPR is exceptionally low, can be an incredibly important skill. Find CPR courses in your area today and take this step toward helping people survive cardiac arrest.